We're moving! Join us in our new and permanent home starting January 26th at 10am!

9525 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901

We can't wait to worship with you in the space that God has graciously provided for us!

Join us sundays at 10:00AM

Bad News, Good News

The Gospel is the most life changing news you'll ever hear or believe. Jesus came into the world and died to save sinners! He has poured out such amazing grace to those who will receive it! However, to fully grasp how good this good news is, we need to grasp how bad the bad news actually is. Ephesians tells us that we were "children of wrath," and dead in our sins. Ephesians also tells us that God is "rich in mercy," such great news in the face of a bad reality. Such news changes all aspects of your life, family, society, and redemptive history.

This sermon series will unpack Ephesians 2:1-10, beginning with the Bad News and ending on the Good News, the most amazing news you could ever hear. Consider using the following resources to compliment this study:

  • The Gospel - What is the Gospel? This resource provides plenty of Scripture to help us work through the different aspects of the Gospel. As you read the Scriptures and meditate on them, maybe even memorize them, there are reflection questions for you to work through individually or in a small group.
  • To Whom, How -This tool is created to help you think through and intentionally build relationships with those whom God sovereignly has placed around you. The more we fall in love with Christ, the more people around us will hear us talk about Him, and see us live differently for Him. This tool will help you become more intentional towards fostering real friendships with those who don’t yet know Him.