“You stink man… no seriously, you stink.”
Ha! It was my sophomore year of college. I’ll blame it on youthful naiveté. What a time. It takes a good, bold, friend who cares enough to tell you something like that, for your own good. Maybe, just maybe, showering after lacrosse practice was a good idea. Classic.
So, can anyone smell you? “For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (2Cor2.15). We have found a good stench rises from two things in our lives. We’ve been intentionally living these things as a family, and shaping our new church community towards the same. Celebration and Service. It’s different, to celebrate relationship and serve. Jesus lived this way. He came eating and drinking with sinners, to serve and to save.
We had a blast yesterday celebrating with our neighbors together for a Happy Birthday Jesus party. So stinking fun. 30 kids and parents packed into our place to enjoy life together. Pin the Hay on the Manger, making angel ornaments, little kids acting out the Christmas story, topped off by a cake and candles ushered in to “happy birthday to Jesus” made for a great time. Here are some pics on FB.
Last weekend our church community invited friends to serve with us as we revitalized the local elementary school’s courtyard. 20 folks gathered to trim trees, mow, weed, prepare flower beds, plant evergreens, and set up a new sitting area with a picnic bench surrounded by potted plants. The courtyard has been transformed from jungle to a kind of foretaste of the coming recreation. Here are some pics on the Footwashers FB page.
Christmas and the New Year are coming, quickly. You and I have friends who will take time off of work and families who will travel, creating a relational window in which we can smell things up. Celebrate and serve. With a little intentionality you can revitalize things that are probably already have planned.. Celebration can be simple: a coffee with a friend aimed towards meaningful conversation, gifting a book with a written note inviting someone into a deeper relationship, throwing a small New Year’s party to connect with your neighbors, arriving at your family’s Christmas party with no expectations other than to bless and love. In these moments of celebration, keep your eyes open for ways to meet needs, expending yourself for another’s good. The aroma will open the eyes of folks who don’t know Him, and sweeten relationships with those who do.
Please Pray: 1.For some focused family time as we take some time off from the plant in between Christmas and New Years. 2.For our emerging leaders to continue to grow and risk in their faith. 3. For deepening relationships and conversations.
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