Free - Galatians
Freedom isn’t found in the pursuit of many choices. Freedom isn’t found in self-directed living. Self-sovereignty is simply life bound by sin. Christ has set us free to live fully submitted lives to Him. The more we cling to the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done, and the more we align our lives with how He calls us to live, the more we will enjoy the depths of true freedom, joy, and life. Cling to the gospel alone: don’t add anything to it. Love and trust our Savior alone: don’t live for anyone else. This is freedom. This is life.
Join us as we study the book of Galatians and how it teaches us about this true freedom. Follow our study guide - Free - for your own times with God this summer, and for group discussions. Also check out our two recommended guides on how to read and study the bible - Soap