He is Able
God could choose to do the impossible without you. Yet He works in and through us, to do far more than we could ask or imagine, for our joy and His glory, in your work place, in your marriage, in your neighborhood, and across the globe. God can do the impossible, according to His mighty power at work in and through us! This is the life of faith, covered and compelled by the provision of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. When 100% of us step by faith into the impossible, we will see our God do beyond all we could ask or imagine. He is able to transform your life and change eternity through you. What might He do next through you and the church? Far more than we could ask or imagine, for generations to come. He is able.
- He is Able Vision - Check out this page to learn more about the vision of this series, particularly what God is doing at The Well by providing us with a permanent building to call home, where we believe God will far more than we can ask or imagine for generations to come! There's an invitation for everyone to partner in this process.
- He Is Able Study Guide - This study guide coincides and works in tandem with our sermon series. Use it on your own to go deeper into the Scriptures, or use it with others in your Community Group or 3D.