We're moving! Join us in our new and permanent home starting January 26th at 10am!

9525 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901

We can't wait to worship with you in the space that God has graciously provided for us!

Join us sundays at 10:00AM

3D Groups share life, Bible, and prayer.

Jesus loved individuals and the multitudes. However, He spent a ton of time with His three closest disciples, Peter, James and John. These three, and Jesus, connected in the group of 12 close-knit disciples, and then the 70, the 500 and masses. A movement was started because deep life was lived together in tiny groups, huddled close to Jesus. His aim was to connect them deeply to Himself, the source of true life, deepest joy, and lasting inside-out transformation.

3D Discipleship
“3D” discipleship captures God's design for a complete overhaul of our minds, hearts, efforts, affections and entire selves. Holistic, life transformation (Rom8.28-30, Mt22.37-40, Philip1.6, 1Jn3.2-3). In our discipleship groups, His Spirit fosters space where we together are cultivating whole lives centered on and shaped by Christ, into His likeness. He has been gracious to save us, and now because of His love for us will transform us by the gospel. He is the God-Man who reigns over us, and mercifully in by His indwelling Spirit walks with us in this process. Therefore, discipleship is the process of becoming like Jesus, while living in real, deep relationships with one another. We are following Him, together. As Community Groups live together on mission, multiple 3D Groups within them will keep each member’s faith centered on the gospel, bringing about repentance of sin and spiritual growth in all areas of life – becoming like Jesus. We do this by sharing the honest reality of our lives with each other in order to apply the gospel to all areas of who we are, as we hear from Jesus in His word and pray for Him to transform us.

Within Community Groups, groups of 3-6 people (same gender) meet weekly to pursue gospel transformation by sharing life, studying scripture, and praying together.

If you would like more information about 3D Groups, please contact matt@thewellsilverspring.org.

For 3D resources to guide your leading of meeting times, visit our Leader Resources page.