Following Jesus together for the good of the world.
Imagine a diverse, multitude of people who are deeply united by Jesus and his mission, intentionally living in such a way that the love and good news of Jesus is being encountered, experienced and believed by hundreds and thousands of people in our extended networks. What if this large, extended family intentionally expends itself for its neighbor? What if this group of people humbly and gladly moves toward people who are different, serves in a way that raises eyebrows, and extends a message of grace that has the power to impact individuals, families, and communities for eternity? Business, education, politics, art, recreation, family life and more, all being influenced by gospel men, women and children in these different arenas.
We envision followers of Jesus who actually follow and share Jesus wherever they are, wherever they go. Disciples who are committed to making disciples. And as disciples are continually made, new churches being birthed and formed all over the place. We dream of being a church that positively impacts thousands of people of our area for eternity, serves as a hub for training church planters and pastors, and launches many new church plants throughout the region and abroad.
Would you dream with us? Not only that, would you join in our mission to see this become reality?
Following Jesus together for the good of the world.
Our community is shaped by the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. He has changed and is changing our lives. He died to make us alive, so we gladly live for Him. "For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised." (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)
Therefore we are first and foremost "following Jesus," orienting our corporate and individual lives around the person and work of Christ. We do this "together" as a diverse yet close and unified community, worshiping Christ and serving with one purpose. That purpose is to share the good news of Jesus with our friends, family, and neighbors in Silver Spring and beyond. We believe that we are called to be a blessing to those around us, so we proclaim the gospel, enjoy life, and serve “for the good of the world.” (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)
Years ago, Matt and Courtney Klingler began to sense a burden to plant a new church in Silver Spring, MD. God began to work out the details, and they partnered with TIMES12 and several regional churches to plant The Well Community Church.
In the Fall of 2011, a small group of families, singles, and young couples began gathering in Matt's basement. During these initial months, the community formed discipleship groups, established structure, and began shaping the culture of the church. In February 2012, The Well publicly launched Sunday Gatherings. By the summer of 2012, we had outgrown the basement and moved into a public space at Riderwood Retirement Community. Then in March 2013, God graciously provided an incredible space at a local Seventh-Day Adventist Church where we were able to worship and gather for years.
In December 2024, God provided us with the perfect space we could call our permanent home, as we were able to purchase a beautiful church building at 9525 Colesville Road, Silver Spring. God's story continues to unfold in and through us as His church!