Use the resources below to grow in your personal relationship with God and in community as we follow Jesus together for the good of the world.
Current Series Resources
Who We Are: Acts
Luke begins the Book of Acts by saying his first book, the Gospel of Luke, was about “All Jesus began to do and teach.” This second book, the Book of Acts, is the story of all that Jesus continues to do and to teach. The resurrected and ascended Jesus is present in the power and work of the Holy Spirit, working out through the church, His Body. We are the church, the instrument chosen by Christ to proclaim the good news of the gospel and to bring about His Kingdom on earth, acts of Words and Deeds that people might be saved and restored.
We, The Well Community Church, are moving into a new building for a new season of that work that Jesus began to do and continues to do in and through us. Today He has situated us in Silver Spring so that He might move in a mighty way through us for His purposes and glory, until He returns to complete all that He began to do and teach on His first coming. We live in the gap, His body on earth, sharing His good news on earth, doing His work on earth, that His people might worship Him, live for Him, live like Him, and spend eternity with Him in glory.
The series will be a journey though the Book of Acts, focusing on the work Jesus continues to do through His church and how we as The Well are a continuation of that mission to love the lost well, be amazing neighbors, and glorify God forever. Consider using the following resources to compliment this study:
- Seek First: How the Kingdom of God Changes Everything by Jeremy Treat - In an age of distraction, everyone is looking for something that gives purpose and perspective on life. Jesus says it's the kingdom of God. But the kingdom is not just another religious idea. Rather, God's loving reign brings clarity and coherence to all of life - identity, work, play, relationships, justice, character - in a way that is profound and practical.
- Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts by Nancy Guthrie - In this book, Guthrie provides an accessible, theologically sound guide to the book of Acts. She invites readers to peer into the lives of the apostles in the days following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus as they experienced new power from the indwelling Holy Spirit and a new understanding of the Old Testament scriptures. Think of this as a pretty accessible and popular-level commentary through the Book of Acts. Guthrie also has a Personal Bible Study with directed questions that is great for personal devotions or Community Group studies.
- Acts, A Gospel Coalition Commentary - The Gospel Coalition has a collection of online commentaries for each book of the bible. This one on the Book of Acts is a great resource to dig a little deeper in your study of the book.
- Use this resources as part of your 3D Gatherings
- 3D Meeting Guide - This guide will keep your 3D Meetings focused and impactful.
- SOAP & GROW - Two great tools to guide you in how to study the bible
Personal Relationship With God
- SOAP, REAP , RRRR, CIA and GROW. God wants to transform us by His word. Sometimes we just don't know where and how to start! Use any of these simple, one page guides to help you meet God in His word (GROW is the most robust).
- The Gospel: What is the Gospel? This resource provides plenty of Scripture to help us work through the different aspects of the Gospel. As you read the Scriptures and meditate on them, maybe even memorize them, there are reflection questions for you to work through individually or in a small group.
- The Bible As One Story: These resources can help you get a handle on the overarching story of the scriptures. Having this framework will help give context and meaning to any book or passage in the bible. This will help you both understand and meet God in His word.
- To Whom How: This tool is created to help you think through and intentionally build relationships with those whom God sovereignly has placed around you. The more we fall in love with Christ, the more people around us will hear us talk about Him, and see us live differently for Him. This tool will help you become more intentional towards fostering real friendships with those who don’t yet know Him.
- Books About The Bible: These short books are helpful tools to understand how to read the bible accurately, particularly with a Christ Centered lens (Lk 24.25-27, 44-49). To Understand the Bible Look for Jesus, by Geisler. How to Read the Bible Book by Book, by Fee. Church with Jesus as Hero, by Prince. How to Read the Bible as Literature, by Ryken.
- Sharing My Story: Sharing the story of how we came into a relationship with God will not only bring Him praise, and connect with others that don’t yet know Him, but it will also draw us closer to each other. Use this tool to share your story in your 3D group and with those you are engaging with the gospel.
- Prayer- We must stop and seek the Lord in prayer. Here are some resources from The Well to help you engage with God in prayer. Prayer Resources:
- Kneeling Prayer- This guide focuses on relationship with God in prayer.
- Morning + Evening Prayer- This guide gives a simple pattern for prayer to start and end the day.
- ACTS- This guide mirrors aspects of Jesus’ template for prayer in the LORD’s prayer.
- Other resources - Link 1. and Link 2.
- Investment Guide: Use this guide to help you create a plan for investing in the work of God through giving and serving.
- Community Group Manual: This manual has everything Community Group and 3D leaders need to run their groups. It includes vision, resources, and studies.
- Family Gathering Guide: This guide will help you create a family time where you build community and move toward others.
- Scatter Together Guide: This guide will help you look at your schedule with intentionality and plan to live your lives together on mission.
- 3D Meeting Guide: This guide will keep your 3D Meetings focused and impactful.
- Community Group Primer: This will help you launch a community group, create the culture and shape the direction and purpose. If you desire to launch a community, connect with a leader at The Well so we can help resource you in the process!
- Grant Proposal: As your Community is on mission, there may be funds needed (one-time or recurring) to effectively carry out the mission. The Well wants to help resource Communities! Complete this form and submit to Matt Klingler.
- Meal Ideas: A collection of easy, delicious meal ideas for Family Gatherings.
- Community Rhythms Videos: Short videos that teach the community group rhythms: Family Gathering, 3D, and Scattering Together.
- Move In Tool: This tool is designed to help you as an individual, or as a Community Group, follow the pattern of the incarnation by taking deeper steps into relationship and service. This one page will guide you to prayerfully decide who/what area to step into and how to go deeper in relationship/service as you follow God's lead, experiencing His power to reach people with the gospel through you!
- CG Vision: Celebration + Creation: Use this guide to help your existing group celebrate the the ways that God is moving in and through you, while refreshing the vision of your group for the coming season.
3D Groups
- 3D Guide- Use this guide (in conjunction with the GROW or other personal bible study guides above) to share life, bible, and prayer together in your 3D group times.
- Rooted: This study is a great place to start with your 3D group before you tackle The Gospel-Centered Life. Before we can begin to share the gospel with anyone or live a gospel-centered life, we need to know how to articulate the gospel for real impact and a changed life.
- The Gospel-Centered Life: Lots of Christians talk about the gospel, but how many really understand the gospel and know how to apply it to their lives? This study is great to do as a 3D group, with articles and discussion questions to work through together.
- New City Catechism Companion Guide: The New City Catechism will give you a good overview of the core elements of your faith in Christ and a foundation for your relationship with God. Use this companion guide, along with the New City Catechism Devotional.
3D Groups Tools
- 3D Meeting Guide: This guide will keep your 3D Meetings focused and impactful.
- Rhythm Activity: Use this template to help create your personal weekly rhythms to read, pray and connect with those who know and don’t know Jesus.
- Sharing My Story: Sharing the story of how we came into a relationship with God will not only bring Him praise, and connect with others that don’t yet know Him, but it will also draw us closer to each other. Use this tool to share your story in your 3D group and with those you are engaging with the gospel.
- To Whom How: This tool is created to help you think through and intentionally build relationships with those whom God sovereignly has placed around you. The more we fall in love with Christ, the more people around us will hear us talk about Him, and see us live differently for Him. This tool will help you become more intentional towards fostering real friendships with those who don’t yet know Him.
- SOAP , REAP , RRRR, CIA and GROW. God wants to transform us by His word. Sometimes we just don't know where and how to start! Use any of these simple, one page guides to help you meet God in His word (GROW is the most robust).
- Share + Repent This guide will help you intentionally share the gospel and personally repent in response to the gospel.
Other Resources
- Racial Reconcilition: Church, the included resources contain many of the books that our pastors and members have personally read and grown from. We have also added a few internal to the list. There are other helpful books on these topics, and the below resources do not contain all that needs to be said. You, and I, and other faithful Christians will find areas of disagreement within these resources. Every one of them is helpful in our conversation and our personal growth in Christ as we seek conformity to Jesus and the gospel in the areas of race, justice, restoration, and renewal.
- Child Dedication: There is no substitute for modeling and passing down your own personal love and relationship with Christ. Your kids will gain a picture of God by watching you, as you grow to live for Him, and as you interact with your spouse. Ultimately, they will choose to receive or reject Him. This is why we pray, pray and pray some more. We hope these resources will help in your pursuit to raise your kids to know and love Christ.
- On The Money: Gospel Centered Stewardship
- Todd Engstrom's Blog: A great resource answers many of the practical questions on how to lead a community group.
Previous Series Resources
Bad News, Good New (click here)
Sent to Serve: Advent 2024 (click here)
Praying Like Paul (click here)
He is Able (click here)
Choose Wisely - Proverbs (click here)
Follow Him - Luke (click here)
Free - Galatians (click here)
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Summer 2023 (click here)
Supreme - Colossians (click here)
He Is Risen (click here)
Let's Pray (click here)
The King's Cross: The Gospel of Mark (click here)
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 2022 (click here)
Lent (click here)
Living Stones 1 Peter (click here).
Silence + Solitude Reflection Series (click here)
Advent 2021: Poured Out (click here)
Counter Cultural: The Letter of 1 Thessalonians (click here)
Ordinary Awesome (click here)
Around The Well Sermon Series (click here)
Say Yes (click here)