Sermons from January 2020
Back to Sermon ArchiveJanuary 26, 2020
Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come: Who Do You Say I Am?
Series: Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come. Passage: Matthew 16:13– 13:27
January 19, 2020
Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come: Cleaned Up.
Speaker: David Feiser Series: Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come. Passage: Matthew 15:1–20
January 12, 2020
Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come: Ignore the Outcome.
Speaker: Matt Klingler Series: Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come. Passage: Matthew 14:13–21
January 5, 2020
Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come: Live for Eternity, Not 2020.
Speaker: Matt Klingler Series: Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come. Passage: Matthew 13
January 2, 2020
Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come: Love Not Legalism.
Series: Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come. Passage: Matthew 12:1–14