Join us sundays at 10:00AM

Jesus is supreme! He’s greater than anything you have, love, trust in, hope for. When we realize this, He changes the way we think, live, love and enjoy life. He will transform our workplaces and our relationships. Everything comes to life when it revolves around Him. When it doesn’t, everything falls apart.

Follow along with the sermon series by using our Supreme Curriculum. It's a simple study guide that helps you spend personal time or time with your 3D in the book of Colossians.

Here are some other helpful resources throughout this series:

  • Supreme Curriculum - a simple study guide that follows along with the sermons preached on Sunday.
  • SOAP & GROW - two simple guides to help you spend time with God in the scriptures and prayer.
  • To Whom, How - let's be intentional this season to tell our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family about our resurrected Jesus. This document helps with that.
  • Colossians Commentaries - here are some commentaries to dive deeper into the chapter. All the commentaries are great, but if you need some guidance we recommend working from the top of the list down. The Matthew Henry one is a free online resource. The others are Amazon links.