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Parents' Corner | April 7, 2019





Dear Parents,



The Israelites’ future looked bright. The Lord, through Moses, had rescued them from slavery in Egypt. He fought for them, displaying His power by parting the Red Sea and subsequently destroying Egypt’s army. God was working out His plan to bring the Israelites to the promised land, the land God promised to Abraham’s family.

But the journey from Egypt to Canaan was not direct. The Lord led His people into the wilderness. The Israelites’ bright future seemed to fade. Their dry mouths and rumbling, empty stomachs produced complaints and accusations. They doubted the Lord’s goodness.

The Israelites traveled three days into the wilderness and were unable to find water. When they found water at Marah, they must have rushed to it—only to find the water was too bitter to drink. The people grumbled to Moses. Of course, Moses had no power to change the water. But the Lord did. Moses cried out to the Lord, and He showed Moses a tree. Moses threw the tree into the water, and the water became drinkable.

Then the Israelites moved farther into the wilderness. Their hunger produced despair: “If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in the land of Egypt … Instead, you brought us into this wilderness to … die of hunger!” (Ex. 16:3).

Again, the Lord gave the Israelites what they needed. Moses and Aaron explained the purpose behind the Lord’s provision: “You will know that it was the LORD who brought you out of the land of Egypt” (Ex. 16:6). God sent bread from heaven and quail for the Israelites to eat. They ate manna in the wilderness for 40 years.

As you talk to your children this week, remind them that the Lord is our Provider. In the New Testament, Jesus said that He is the Bread of life. (John 6:31-35) God provided manna from heaven for His people’s physical hunger, and later He provided His Son, Jesus, for our spiritual hunger. The Israelites needed bread to live for a little while, but whoever has Jesus will live forever!

God Bless, 
David Feiser
Family Ministry Director
The Well Community Church

Family Starting Points

March 31, 2019

Scripture Memory: Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Big Picture Question:

What is God’s plan? God’s plan is to rescue his people.

Bible Story: “The Wilderness Test” (Exodus 15:22-17-7)

  • God’s people complained in the wilderness.
  • God gave the people manna, quail, and water from a rock.

Family Discussion Starters:

  • What is your favorite food?
  • What is your least favorite food?
  • When are you tempted to complain?
  • What are ways God provides for our family?  

Family Activity:

  • Make a list of things you need to live, and then make a list of blessings God has provided above your needs. Thank God for His care.
  • Take it further: Consider serving a meal or donating food to a homeless shelter or food bank.

Next Week:


  • Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-11)