How is the Gospel?
What if someone asked you, “How do you live in the gospel?” As Matt and I prepare to move, we have been on a journey through the New Testament and The Gospel Centered Life to answer it. How do we live gospel-centered lives? Philippians 1:27 commands, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ”
Sometimes, I learn best from the negative. What would it look like if I was living in a manner UNWORTHY of the gospel? Interestingly enough, I had just taken this self-assessment a few days ago. When we don’t believe the love of God is freely given to us in the finished work of Christ, we live in the following ungospel-like ways:
- Needs to look good
- Has to fix your own an others’ problems
- Needs to be right
- Strong-willed with ideas, agendas, and opinions
- Has a critical spirit (complaining and bitterness)
- Tears others down
- “Competent analyst” of others’ weaknesses
- Tends to compare yourself with others
- Needs to be in control of situations and others
- Anxious about friends, money, school, grades, etc
Yikes! Needless to say, I saw a bit too much of myself. We all need to confess our tendency to rely on ourselves rather than Christ. Conducting myself in a manner worthy of the gospel requires me to remember two things:
- An awareness of my inadequacy/sin
- An awareness of God’s holiness.
Since last Friday, I’ve been praying to be overwhelmed by God’s holiness and fully acknowledge my sin. This leads to constant, freeing, life-giving confession, as I cling to the cross for help. When I desire to please or impress others, I must confess my insecurity. When I struggle with wanting to control how we pack the house and prepare to move, I must confess my pride. When I have long days with screaming kids, attempting to keep the house immaculate, overcome with laundry and meals, I must admit my desire to handle it all in my own strength and ability. I’m not God, and that’s ok… because of the cross.
So, I am working at confession. It is hard to admit my sin. But if I say I am someone who confidently lives in a manner worthy of the gospel, then I must believe that Christ died for all my junk and freely gives me significance and love. I am going to risk being vulnerable with myself, my husband and those around me. This shines a bright light on the work of Jesus, not my feeble attempts to put on a perfect front. I believe that is a life worthy of the gospel!
- Courtney Klingler
Please be praying for:
- Matt and I to continue to grow in the gospel together
- For the Holy Spirit to be preparing people’s hearts in Silver Spring to respond to the gospel and hand their lives over to Christ.
- The sale of our house.
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How is the Gospel?October 6, 2020
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