Parents' Corner | February 26, 2020
Dear Parents,
Hosea was a prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel for at least forty years. God sent Hosea to tell Israel of God’s hatred toward sin and of His coming judgment. (See Hos. 4:1,6.) God also sent Hosea to bring a message of love—a love that never gives up. (See Hos. 11:7-9.)
To get the message across to the Israelites, God used Hosea’s own life to show Israel what a never-gives-up kind of love looks like. Hosea obeyed God’s instructions to marry a prostitute. Hosea loved Gomer as his wife, even though he knew she would not be faithful to him. Gomer gave birth to children who were conceived with other men. Can you imagine Hosea’s grief each time he realized his wife’s unfaithfulness?
It would have been easier for Hosea to end his marriage covenant—to throw up his hands and say, “Enough! I’m done with you!” Yet God’s people were no different than Gomer. They were spiritual adulterers. Their hearts chased after other lovers by loving and worshiping idols.
It would have been easier for God to end the Mosaic covenant—to throw up His hands and say, “Enough! I’m done with you!” But God’s love never gives up. God gave Hosea a love for his wife that compelled him to buy her back from the slave market after all she had done. In the same way, God sought after His unfaithful people even after all they had done. God paid a high price—the life of His Son, Jesus—to bring them back to Himself.
Remember to talk about the story of Hosea with your kids in an age-appropriate way. God used Hosea’s unfaithful wife to show the people of Israel that they were unfaithful to Him. God gave Hosea a deep love; Hosea was willing to buy back Gomer even after all she had done. God’s love is deep, and it never gives up. He goes after His people and paid a great price to get us back. Even when God’s people worship false idols, He is ready to forgive those who turn back to Him.
God Bless,
Jennifer Boegner
Children’s Ministry Director
The Well Community Church
Family Starting Points
February 26, 2020
Scripture Memory (3rd-5th): Romans 10:9-10
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is confessing with your mouth that you are saved.”
Help your kids memorize these verses by listening to a song together throughout the week! Click here to listen to the 3rd-5th grade memory verse song or visit:
Scripture Memory (Pre-K and K-2nd): Ephesians 6:1
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”
Help your kids memorize the verse by listening to a song together through the week! Click here to listen to the PreK-2nd grade memory verse song (you do not need to purchase the song to listen) or visit:
Big Picture Question:
What is God like? God is slow to anger, merciful, and loving.
Bible Story: Hosea, Prophet to Israel (Hosea 1-14)
- God told Hosea to marry Gomer to teach Israel a lesson.
- Gomer did not love Hosea with her whole heart, but Hosea loved Gomer no matter what.
- The people of Israel did not love God with their whole hearts, but God loves people who do not love Him back.
Family Discussion Starters:
- Has someone ever said he or she did not want to be your friend? How did that make you feel?
- Can you think of some ways you show that you don’t love God with your whole heart?
- How does it feel to know that God loves you no matter what? Can you love others like that?
Family Activity:
- Challenge each family member to show love to someone who is hard to love this week. Name a specific action. Ask God to help you see the person as He does.
Next Week: Jonah, Prophet to Nineveh (Jonah 1-4)
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