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Parents' Corner | July 7, 2019






Dear Parents,


Only one geographical barrier separated the Israelites from the promised land of Canaan: the Jordan River. When Joshua and the Israelites arrived, the Jordan River was flooded due to spring rains and snowmelt. Any other time, the river would have been manageable, but crossing the swollen river would have been daunting like crossing the Red Sea. Like He did at the Red Sea, God dried up the waters so the Israelites could cross. (See Josh. 4:23.)

The Lord brought His people into the promised land. Now their task was to conquer the people living in the land. The Israelites came to Jericho. The people of Jericho had heard about God and what He had done for the Israelites. They understood God’s power and wanted nothing to do with Him.

Joshua sent spies into Jericho. A prostitute named Rahab hid the spies and kept them safe from the people of Jericho. Rahab wanted to be on God’s side. In return for her kindness, the spies promised that Rahab and her family would be safe when the Israelites conquered the city.

The Israelites fought the battle of Jericho by faith. They obeyed God’s direction, even when it seemed nothing was happening for six days in a row. On the seventh day, the trumpets sounded, declaring, “The Lord is near!”

Joshua gave the people specific instructions to destroy everything in the city except for Rahab and her family. The Israelites were not to keep anything for themselves. The Lord was going to provide for all of their needs. They had no reason to plunder Jericho.

God fought for His people and led them into the promised land. Just as the Lord defeated Jericho for the Israelites, Jesus defeats His enemies and leads believers into the promised land of eternity.

God Bless, 

David Feiser
Family Ministry Pastor
The Well Community Church


Family Starting Points

July 7, 2019

Scripture Memory: Philippians 1:6

“He who began good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Big Picture Question:

Whom can we trust? We can trust God to take care of us.

Bible Story: The Promised Land and Jericho (Joshua 2-4; 6) 

  • Joshua sent two Israelite spies into Jericho.
  • Rahab protected the spies. The spies promised to protect Rahab and her family.
  • The Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground.
  • The Israelites marched around Jericho and the walls fell down.

Family Discussion Starters: 

  • What do you think it would have been like to march around Jericho in the Israelite army?
  • How can we see God’s power and glory around us?

Family Activity:

  • Make a “city wall” with pillows or boxes, march around it, and knock it down. Talk about how God knocked down Jericho’s walls.
  • Go further: Invite another family to walk laps around a local track with you to exercise and build relationships.

Next Week:

  • Achan’s Sin and the Defeat of Ai (Joshua 7-8)