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Parents' Corner | June 23, 2019






Dear Parents,


Before God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt, He promised to bring the Israelites back to the land He had given to Abraham so many years ago. (Ex. 3:8)

God was leading the Israelites to the promised land. When they were close, God instructed Moses to send spies into the land to scout it out. The spies traveled around the land for 40 days, and it was just as God had promised. There was one problem: the people in the land were big and strong.

One of the spies, Caleb, announced, “We must go up and take possession of the land because we can certainly conquer it.” Caleb understood that God was with them. With God’s help, they could do anything. Joshua and Caleb understood who God is. When God promises to do something, He will do it.

But the other men were afraid. That night, all of the people wept loudly. They despaired because they did not believe God’s promise to lead them into the promised land. The people plotted to find a new leader who would lead them back to Egypt.

God was not happy with Israel. They had turned away from Him and put their trust in themselves. God threatened to destroy the people, but Moses interceded for them. God struck down the spies except for Caleb and Joshua, and He declared that anyone who had sinned against Him would not enter the promised land. The Israelites would wander in the desert for 40 more years.

Help your kids understand that the Israelites sinned when they did not believe God was in control. Point your kids to Christ as the perfectly obedient Son who trusted the Father’s plan to save people from their sins.

God Bless, 
David Feiser
Family Ministry Pastor
The Well Community Church


Family Starting Points

June 23, 2019

Scripture Memory: Philippians 1:6

“He who began good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Big Picture Question:

Whom can we trust? We can trust God to take care of us.

Bible Story: Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 13:1-14:38)

  • Moses sent 12 men to look at the land of Canaan.
  • The men saw that the land was good, but the people living there were very strong.
  • Joshua and Caleb believed God.
  • The people refused to enter the promised land.
  • Israel wandered for 40 years.

Family Discussion Starters:

  • Do you think it was easy or hard for Joshua and Caleb believe God when the others did not? Why?
  • How has God shown our family that He can be trusted?

Family Activity:

  • Walk your neighborhood to “spy it out” for people who need to trust in Jesus. Pray for ways to share with them.
  • Go further: Take a step of faith as a family and commit to give above what you normally give to missions.

Next Week:


  • The Bronze Snake (Numbers 20:1-20; 21:4-9)