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Parents' Corner | June 9, 2019






Dear Parents,


 The Lord was faithful to keep the promises He made to Abraham and his descendants. He made the Israelites innumerable (Deut. 1:10) and gave them the land of Canaan (Deut. 1:8). All the Israelites needed to do was take possession of the land.

But the Israelites refused. They sent 12 men to scout out the land, and when the men reported about Canaan’s inhabitants, the Israelites were afraid. Despite Joshua and Caleb’s insistence that the Lord would protect them, the people did not trust God.

So God punished the Israelites. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, and none of the disobedient people would enter the promised land. Not even Moses would go in. Only Joshua, Caleb, and the children who grew up in the wilderness.

By the time the Israelites reached the edge of Canaan, most of the people who had left Egypt as adults had died. Kids had now grown, and many of the Israelites had been born in the wilderness. It was to this group—a new generation—that Moses spoke in the opening chapters of Deuteronomy.

Moses’ message reflected on Israel’s history and encouraged the people to trust the Lord. Deuteronomy 4 records Moses’ commands to the new generation of Israelites. He commanded obedience, told them to remember Israel’s history, and urged them to avoid idolatry.

Moses prompted them to consider if anything greater had ever happened. (Deut. 4:32) Moses said, “You were shown these things so that you would know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides Him” (Deut. 4:35). Moses commanded the people to obey God so that they would live. He told them to worship only God—the one true God.

As you teach your children about God’s message through Moses, emphasize that we receive eternal life from God by trusting in Jesus, and we obey Him because only He is God.

God Bless, 
David Feiser
Family Ministry Pastor
The Well Community Church

Family Starting Points

June 9, 2019

Scripture Memory: Psalm 128:1

“Blessed are all who fear the Lord who walk in His ways.”

Big Picture Question:

Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.

Bible Story: Worship Only God (Deuteronomy 1; 3:23-4:40)

  • God’s people were almost to the land God promised to give them.
  • Moses reminded the Israelites of God’s commands and to worship only God.

Family Discussion Starters:

  • What are some ways God has helped us in the past?
  • How does remembering how God has helped us before help us now?
  • Why do you think God gave His people rules?

Family Activity:

  • Invite family members to talk about a fun memory you shared together. Why do you remember that special moment?
  • Take it further: Write the key passage on your bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker to help you memorize the key passage as a family this week.

Next Week:

  • God Reminded His People of His Covenant (Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25; 8:1-11:1, 26-28)