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Parents' Corner | March 24, 2019





Dear Parents,


descendants of Israel (Jacob)—had set up their home in Egypt when a famine forced them to seek out food. They became so numerous that Pharaoh felt threatened and forced them into slavery. But their families still grew, and Pharaoh instituted an unimaginable method of population control: kill all of the baby boys.

Moses’ story is a clear picture of God’s sovereignty. Not only was Moses’ life spared by the Egyptian princess, Moses’ mother was able to care for him. Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s house and then spent years shepherding in Midian before God called him to his task.

Imagine the encounter between God and Moses at the burning bush. God drew a curious Moses to Himself and then spoke: “Moses, Moses!”

God identified Himself as the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. He testified to His own grace: “I have observed the misery of my people … and I know about their sufferings … I am sending you … so that you may lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt” (Ex. 3:7-10).

God revealed His name: “I AM WHO I AM.” The most basic and important fact about God is that He exists; He always has and always will exist. God does not change. God revealed to Moses who He is so that the people would trust in Him.

Help your kids understand that God saved Moses’ life and called him to rescue God’s people from slavery. The calling of Moses points to a greater calling and rescue—the call of Jesus to come to earth to save God’s people. Jesus gave up His life to save us from slavery to sin.

God Bless,
David Feiser
Family Ministry Director
The Well Community Church

Family Starting Points

March 24, 2019

Scripture Memory: Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Big Picture Question:

What is God’s plan? God’s plan is to rescue his people.

Bible Story: “Moses Was Born & Called” (Exodus 1:8-2:10,23-15; 3:1-4:20)

  • The Egyptian king made the Israelites work very hard.
  • God rescued Moses to save His people.
  • God spoke to Moses in a burning bush. God told Moses to lead His people out of Egypt.

Family Discussion Starters:

  • What would you do if you found a baby alone in a basket?
  • Moses made excuses about why God should send someone else to Pharoah. What excuse do we make for not doing things?
  • Talk about a time your family cried out to God for help.

Family Activity:

  • Look at pictures from when your kids first came home. Read Psalm 139:13-16. Talk about God’s good plan for your kids.  
  • Take it further: Prepare a meal or donate clothes to a family celebrating a new baby or adoption.

Next Week:

  • “The Plagues and the Passover” (Exodus 5–12)