Parents' Corner | May 12, 2019
Dear Parents,
As the rescued people of Israel traveled toward the promised land, God gave them laws to guide them in how to live and to help them understand God’s perfect holiness. God’s laws covered every part of their lives and were summed up in the Ten Commandments.
The Ten Commandments can be grouped into two categories: The first four laws deal with a person’s relationship with God and the last six laws deal with a person’s relationship with others. God did not give laws for the sake of giving laws; the laws had a purpose. Not only did they show what righteous living looks like, they were part of the covenant God made with Israel, known as the God had promised Abraham that all the peoples on earth would be blessed through him. (See Gen. 12:3.) “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness” (Rom. 4:3). God’s promise to Abraham would be fulfilled in Jesus. But God gave the law to guide people until Jesus came.
As you disciple your children, avoid presenting the Ten Commandments as a burden—a list of laws they must try to keep to earn God’s favor. God’s rules are good and are meant to help us, but the Bible is clear that we are all sinful and fall short of God’s standard for holiness. Our obedience can’t save us.
Lead your children to examine the last six commandments and to imagine a world where everyone keeps God’s commands. Remind them that everything was perfect before sin entered the world, and one day, Jesus will return and take away sin once and for all.
The bad news is that we are unable to keep even a few laws. Point them to the good news found in Jesus—the One who took our sin upon Himself and offers His own perfect record of righteousness. Only through faith in Jesus can we have a right relationship with God.
God Bless,
David Feiser
Family Ministry Director
The Well Community Church
Family Starting Points
May 12, 2019
Scripture Memory: Psalm 128:1
“Blessed are all who fear the Lord who walk in His ways.”
Big Picture Question:
Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.
Bible Story: “The Ten Commandments: Loving Others” (Exodus 20:12-17)
- God gave His people the Ten Commandments.
- The last six commandments are about loving others.
- God rules show that He is holy.
Family Discussion Starters:
- What are some ways our family is good about showing love to each other?
- What are some ways our family could improve on showing love to each other?
Family Activity:
- Invite kids to talk about ways to show love. Ask kids if it is easier to say “I love you” or to show it. Talk about how God showed His love for us. (See Romans 5:8).
- Take it further: Make homemade cookies and hot cocoa to take to a neighbor this week with a note that says God loves you.
Next Week:
- “The Tabernacle Was Built (Exodus 35:4–40:38)
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