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Parents' Corner | November 3, 2019








Dear Parents,

“Look both ways before crossing the street.” “Don’t touch the stove; it’s hot.” “Stay in your seat.” Young children need to hear these instructions because left to their own devices, most would run into traffic, burn their hands on stove tops, and meander around the dining room.

As young children discover the world and begin to understand how it works, they are prone to making foolish decisions. So it is with sinners.

On our own, we would trust in ourselves and lean on our own understanding. (See Prov. 3:5) We would turn toward evil, rather than away from it. (See Prov. 3:7) We would despise the Lord’s discipline. (See Prov. 3:11.) Our lives would end in destruction. But in His great mercy, God has given to us in His Word the Book of Proverbs.

When Solomon became king, God told Solomon he could ask for anything. Solomon asked for wisdom. Wisdom is the knowledge and understanding of what is right, true, honest, and fair. Solomon wrote down many wise sayings in the Book of Proverbs. God empowered Solomon to lead God’s people well, and other kings and queens traveled from far away to learn from him.

The proverbs teach us that there are two ways to live: a wise way and a foolish way. God made the world and He knows how it works best. He made people and knows the best way for them to live and have joy. Our sin makes us foolish, but wisdom comes from God.

Solomon was a wise leader, but more than 900 years later, God provided someone greater than Solomon—His Son, Jesus. (See Matt. 12:42.) As you teach your kids, help them understand that the gospel—the good news of what Jesus has done for sinners—“seems foolish to those who are lost and dying. But it is God’s power to us who are being saved” (1 Cor. 1:18).

God Bless, 

David Feiser
Family Ministry Pastor
The Well Community Church 


Family Starting Points

November 3, 2019

Scripture Memory: Revelation 1:8

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Big Picture Question: 

Where does wisdom come from? Wisdom comes from God through His Word.

Bible Story: Wisdom for God’s People (Proverbs 1:1-7; 3:1-12; 4:10-19)

  • Solomon wrote down wise sayings in the Book of Proverbs.
  • Wisdom begins with fearing, or respecting, God.
  • Wisdom is loving God and obeying His Word.

Family Discussion Starters: 

  • Talk about what it looks like to fear God. (to respect God and be amazed by Him)
  • How can knowing God loves you help you obey Him?
  • Why is it wise to stay away from people who do wrong things?

Family Activity:

  • Notice family members making decisions this week. Affirm wise decisions and gently correct foolish ones.
  • Create a “Family Book of Wisdom” to contain wise rules and practices for your home based on biblical principles.

Next Week:

  • Solomon Built the Temple (1 Kings 6-8)