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Parents' Corner | September 1, 2019





Dear Parents,


Hannah—an ordinary Israelite during the time of the judges—wanted nothing more than to be a mother, but the Lord had closed her womb. (1 Sam. 1:5) Each year when her husband went to Shiloh to worship and to sacrifice to God, Hannah went up to the house of the Lord. One evening, Hannah returned to present herself to the Lord. She wept and prayed, asking God to give her a son and vowing to dedicate him to God. Hannah’s cries to the Lord were so fervent that Eli the priest rebuked her because he thought she was drunk.

“I haven’t had any wine or beer; I’ve been pouring out my heart before the Lord,” Hannah explained. Eli blessed Hannah and said, “May God answer your prayers.” God answered Hannah’s prayers. Hannah had a son. She named him Samuel, which means “requested from God.”

When Samuel was old enough to be weaned, Hannah took him to Shiloh and presented him to Eli. First Samuel 2 records Hannah’s triumphant prayer. Hannah glorified God for His sovereignty, then she went home with her husband, leaving Samuel to serve God under the leadership of Eli the priest. Samuel faithfully served God. Hannah visited Samuel each year and brought him a robe.

Now Eli had two sons of his own who were also priests. Eli had trouble controlling his sons. They were wicked men with no regard for God. Eli rebuked his children, but they did not listen. So God rejected Eli’s family. 

Review 1 Samuel 3. Note how Samuel responded to God’s call: “Speak, for Your servant is listening.” Samuel was the prophet Israel needed to give them God’s guidance. He became a prophet of God and was the last judge of Israel. Help your kids identify Samuel’s role as God’s messenger. Help them connect Samuel to Jesus, who came to earth not only to tell what God is like, but to show what He is like.

God Bless, 

David Feiser
Family Ministry Pastor
The Well Community Church 

Family Starting Points

September 1, 2019

Scripture Memory: 2 Corinthians 5:17

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone, and the new has come.”

Big Picture Question: 

Whom does God use in His plan? God uses people in His plan.

Bible Story: Eli and Boy Samuel (1 Samuel 1-3)

  • Hannah prayed to God for a son.
  • God gave Hannah a son named Samuel.
  • Hannah took Samuel to live with Eli at the tabernacle.
  • God called to Samuel and gave him a message.

Family Discussion Starters: 

  • Hannah prayed to God about her feelings. Name a time you can talk to God about your feelings.
  • How can we be God’s messengers today?

Family Activity:

  • If you do not have a regular Bible reading plan as a family, develop one.
  • Go further: Pray for couples you know who have not been able to have children. Pray for kids who need to be adopted in your community.