Parents' Corner | September 15, 2019
Dear Parents,
By all appearances, Saul was a good choice as king. He was tall, handsome, and blessed by God. But Saul forgot that his kingship was from God. Saul made some mistakes that cost him his throne.
In 1 Samuel 13, Saul sinned by burning offerings in Samuel’s absence. That moment was an important test for Saul. According to Samuel, the Lord would have permanently established Saul’s reign if Saul had obeyed. Instead, God would appoint a king who was loyal to Him. (1 Sam. 13:13-14)
Saul sinned again when his troops battled the Amalekites. God told Saul to destroy the Amalekites completely. The Amalekites were enemies of God’s people. (See Deut. 25:17-19.) But Saul spared Agag the king and kept the best livestock and cattle. They destroyed the worthless things.
When Samuel arrived, Saul proudly said, “I have carried out the Lord’s instructions!” Samuel asked him about the sheep, the cattle, and King Agag. But Saul still insisted that he had obeyed; he planned to offer the sheep and cattle to the Lord as a sacrifice.
“To obey is better than sacrifice ... Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you as king!” Samuel said. (1 Sam. 15:22-23) After they returned to Israel, Samuel never visited Saul again, and the Lord regretted making Saul king.
As you teach your kids, help guide them to understand that all earthly kings like Saul are imperfect. But we can see how those kings point us to the perfect King, Jesus, who carried out His Father’s instructions without fail.
God Bless,
David Feiser
Family Ministry Pastor
The Well Community Church
Family Starting Points
September 15, 2019
Scripture Memory: Colossians 1:16-17
“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Big Picture Question:
Who is our King? Jesus is our King forever, and He rules over the world.
Bible Story: God Rejected Saul as King (1 Samuel 13:1-14; 15:1-35)
- Saul offered a sacrifice to God only Samuel was allowed to offer.
- Saul disobeyed God by keeping the best of what belonged to the Amalekites.
- God said Saul could not be king anymore.
- God was going to give Israel a new king.
Family Discussion Starters:
- Why was it important that the king obey God?
- Why is it important that we obey God?
- Can you think of a King whom God will never reject?
Family Activity:
- Identify a nation ruled by a king or queen on a map or globe. Pray for the people of that nation and believers living there. Talk about how God is in control of all kingdoms.
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