We're moving! Join us in our new and permanent home starting January 26th at 10am!

9525 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901

We can't wait to worship with you in the space that God has graciously provided for us!

Join us sundays at 10:00AM

Thank you!


This past Sunday was a little challenging for our family ministry. Early Saturday morning, we learned that most of the downstairs area we use for family ministry had water damage. By Saturday afternoon, the carpet was still wet in many places, and it was clear that we would not have a normal family ministry that Sunday. 

Even with an abnormal space, the family ministry pulled off an amazing Sunday service. Kids were safe, loved, and taught the scripture. It was loud and messy. One of our elders Blaise Rastello predicted this perfectly saying, “It will be a beautiful mess.” It was indeed nothing less than a beautiful mess.

On behalf of the staff and the elders, we want to say thank you to all the people who gave of their time to take care of kids this past Sunday. We are grateful for you and appreciate your dedication to The Well. It is truly a blessing to serve with you, and family ministry wouldn’t happen Sunday to Sunday without you.

This coming Sunday:

As soon as we have details regarding Sunday, they will be sent out to our family ministry team. We can say that the SDA has been diligently working to treat the carpet and dry it out. They brought in a company with industrial fans and dehumidifiers to guarantee everything is cleaned and safe. The SDA is also working to prevent this from happening again. 

If you see someone on Sunday wearing a family ministry t-shirt, make sure to tell them thank you.

Thank you for caring for kids at The Well! 

Serving with you,
The Staff and Elders


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