Join us sundays at 10:00AM

Christ and Culture Series


Are you a Democrat or Republican? Is abortion wrong in every circumstance? Do you side with "Black Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter?" Is same sex marriage okay? How does following Jesus impact our thoughts on any of this? Should it? How can one Christian think this and another think that? Is one wrong and the other right? Does disagreement invalidate gospel truth? How do we talk about these things with coworkers, neighbors, and friends?

Why does the church avoid what everyone else is talking about? Over the next two months, we won't. We will engage in the conversations everyone else is having. We will consider cultural issues with Christ centered thinking, asking the Spirit to illuminate the scriptures that we could walk as individuals and as a church into a world that desperately needs the gospel. Christ was no monastic ostrich. Christ was no bullhorn fundamentalist. Nor was He a happy medium.

We will hear from the scriptures, be equipped as individuals, and dialogue together as we seek Christ in these things. Topical sermons will be followed with question and answer sessions. Resources will be provided for personal development. Open forums will create space for corporate dialogue.

Christ reigns over all things. Christ purchased every part of each of us. Our faith in Him must influence every thought and every action, in every area of our lives.



Sunday Gatherings, 10am, The Well Community Church
Wednesday Open Forums, 7:30pm, The Well House

1/10 Sun - Christ is Our Primary Message
1/17 Sun - How to Change Culture
1/24 Sun - Politics (+Q&A)
1/31 Sun - Race (+Q&A)
2/3 Wed - Open Forum on Race
2/7 Sun - The Well's 4th Birthday (non-series)
2/14 Sun - Sexuality (+Q&A)
2/17 Wed - Open Forum on Sexuality
2/21 Sun - Technology (+Q&A)
2/28 Sun - Life (+Q&A)
3/2 Wed - Open Forum on Life
3/6 Sun - Rat Race and Rest (+Q&A)


For the six topical sermon weeks, there will be a Q&A session right after service in the main worship space.

During the sermons, we will provide a number on the screen to text in questions that will be addressed during the Q&A session. A panel of Elders will field questions.


Wednesday Evenings, 7:30pm, The Well House
Refreshments, Short Talks, Open Dialogue, Q&A Panel

We have scheduled three Open Forums to provide a safe, nonjudgmental, and grace-filled space for open dialogue on important but sensitive topics. This would be a great place to bring your thoughts, questions, and friends.

Each night will open up with a 7-minute talk by a special guest who is well-versed on the topic. That will setup and lead to an extended time of healthy dialogue and Q&A amongst attendees and a panel. Several Elders will be a part of the panel along with the guest. Drinks and refreshments will be provided.

2/3 Wed - Open Forum on Race
2/17 Wed - Open Forum on Sexuality
3/2 Wed - Open Forum on Life


Once the series starts and goes on, we will post helpful resources for each topic for your personal development and guidance. Resources will include book recommendations, articles, videos, 3D questions, and guidance on how to talk to your kids about the topic.

Resources will be found on our Christ and Culture webpage.

We encourage you to use and share this link with friends as you invite them to join us on Sundays and to the Open Forums.