Confess + Obey
Is your faith vibrant and alive? It's time to investigate our faith for evidence of authentic transformation. On Sunday, we threw up red flags in areas we needed to confess and obey. The Elders and Staff have been praying for each of you, one sticky at a time.
One of the greatest privileges we all have is access to the Father on behalf of our brothers and sisters. You have given us glimpses into your souls, transparently confessing and obeying on Sunday mornings. Throughout the week, God has been hearing your confession through our prayers, and motivating all of us to obey. Let’s allow others into our lives in this same way.
Here's the challenge: Let's walk in confession and obedience beyond our sticky notes on Sunday morning. Share with your 3D group what you wrote on Sunday and go even deeper. We want to encourage each other to take steps in obedience in a way that transforms all that we are and do. (If you’re not in a 3D, talk to your Community Leader about how to join one. If you’re not in a Community and would like to be, email James.)
As we open these areas to one another, God joins with us through our prayers. After sharing, someone can talk to Him on your behalf, and you can talk to Him for your brother or sister. We have access together to the Father, asking Him to transform hearts, renew minds, empower action, and guide steps. You are not in this alone.
Every Sunday, we walk towards the table to remember that the finished work of Christ builds the foundation of our relationship with God. We come near to Him, knowing He will come near to us (James 4:7-8).
As each sticky note hits the board, we remember the truth.
He has died in our place, paid our penalty for sin. We are forgiven, accepted as sons and daughters. It is finished.
He has perfectly lived, obediently in our place. We are blameless and pure. It is finished.
Therefore, we freely share our sin, proclaiming His death sufficient for our mess. We openly proclaim our desires for obedience, declaring Him our Savior we want to obey.
This is the same movement we can all make in our 3D’s. We can share our junk and bold resolutions of faith with our church family. We confess to one another with no fear of rejection because we have been received by God Himself. We share how He has motivated us to obedience because we want to help one another live for Him. Let’s open our lives to one another.
Confess + Obey this week in your 3D--tangibly, specifically, and in the power of the gospel.
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