Lingering with God: Part 2 | Fall Planning

Psalm 96 calls us to sing a song of praise to God this fall. This is a new song, different from our "me-centered" song of praise. This is a new song, fresh every day, flowing from our first-hand relationship with God. I challenge us all to sing this song of a life lived in worship with our God this fall. Here are two quick "tools" to help keep your song singing to God, and fresh every day.
Tool #1
Take an hour this week to evaluate the "Why?" behind your fall schedule. I've attached the template doc that Courtney and I use to do this 3x a year. It's rough, it's personal and unedited. It's simply the document we go through heading into each season in order to seek God, make purposeful proactive decisions, and plan effectively. Feel free to chop it up, use it as is, or sang a helpful nugget from it.
Tool #2
This is the 4R's document that I shared in the sermon this week. In it, you'll find a helpful and simple way to engage with God each day this fall. This video provides a two-minute overview as well. Don't just put out fires this fall, sing a song to your God with your life. You'll experience deeper joys, grander purpose, and He deserves your worship.
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