September 17, 2018
by Matt Klingler
Psalm 96 calls us to sing a song of praise to God this fall. This is a new song, different from our "me-centered" song of praise. This is a new song, fresh every day, flowing from our first-hand relationship with God. I challenge us all to sing this song of a life lived in worship with our God this fall. Here are two quick "tools" to help keep your song singing to God, and...
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September 5, 2018
by Matt Klingler
We often neglect our most important relationships.
God is with you, right now. Are you ignoring Him? He's walking with you on the path He's laid out. That's why it's the right path: His Son gave His life, and rose to life, in order to walk it with you. Are you in step with Him?
Here's a simple way to become aware of and in step with your Father this season. You will wa...
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April 25, 2018
by Matt Klingler
Hey there, church. As we looked into Acts 17 this past Sunday we saw that Paul made intentional connections to the gospel by 1. Seeing what the culture valued. 2. Affirming that value and 3. Extending it to its full culmination in Christ.
Here are two helpful resources for growing in your ability to share the gospel in these kinds of ways.
1. Bible Study (two parts): The...
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February 10, 2015
| Tags: neighbor, love, serve, sundays
In Luke 10, a lawyer responds to the commandment to love God and love neighbors as yourself by asking Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responds with a parable that strikingly reframes the question.Who will be a neighbor?...
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February 10, 2015
by Matt Klingler
People are starting new relationships with God! It is a joy to see the grace of God break into someone's life as they receive the work that Jesus has done for us to pay the penalty for our sin, and make us a son/daughter of God!
Here are some helpful places to start growing in your relationship w/God, if its new or old.
1. Pray! Just spend time talking to God. Here is a ...
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March 13, 2014
by Matt Klingler
You will find these resources very helpful in fighting sexual sin. It is only by seeing the unending love and grace of our fantastic Savior, Jesus, that we are transformed. The fight is a serious one and the stakes are high. Pornography and/or adultery will destroy you personally, your relationships, and your marriage. Your continued silence and growing sin falsely shouts ...
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February 5, 2014
by Matt Klingler
| Tags: baptism
Should I consider getting baptized?
Short answer: If you are trusting in the work of Christ to save you and you are not yet baptized, then yes, you should consider getting baptized.
Read Why......
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January 7, 2014
by Matt Klingler
Jesus told us to feed on Him. He equated feeding with believing, trusting, coming to Him over and over for life. To keep coming back to Him is to continue hearing His words, talking with Him, abiding in an ongoing relationship with Him.
Core to this relationship with Christ, is hearing God’s words, the bible. You will not grow if you are not in Christ’s wo...
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October 22, 2013
by Matt Klingler
| Tags: discipleship, 3D, 3D Groups
We recently made a slight but significant change to the name of our discipleship groups that are within Communities. What used to be "3’s", we now call 3D Groups, or 3D/3D’s for short....
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