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We all have a story. When our small story gets woven into the grand epic of God's plan, He gets all the praise and we experience life as it was made to be lived. Things get fun. Here are some stories from The Well. May God begin to rewrite yours, listening to His work in our lives.

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God Revealed Shenk Family

The Shenk Family dedicated their daughter and shared their family devotional on the book of Proverbs......

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God Revealed

Watch as we say "see you soon" to Susannah and Willis......

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Costa Rica Youth Transcultural Trip

We are so happy to see how God has surprised us during our first High School trip abroad. We have 16 students and 6 leaders heading to work with YMA to build a home in Costa Rica. Pray for them as they share the gospel and leave their comfort zone......

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Oscar and Faith Covenant Renewal

Oscar and Faith decide to renew their covenant after 5 years of marriage. It's an amazing story of renewal through Jesus......

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HS Graduation God Revealed

We are so thankful that God gave us our first crop of graduating high school seniors. They all will be attending colleges out of state. We pray for their continual spiritual growth and their next season of life....

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Rebecca Baptism

In her baptism video, Rebecca shares her story of isolation and brokenness. In the midst of that, she experienced the love of God and the depth of community with other believers....

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End of Year Giving Video


What a wonderful blessing when as a church we get On Mission together. Watch and see what happens when we intentionally decide to pray, give, and go! You can hear about stories of the gospel transforming lives locally and globally. ...

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Redeemer House On Mission


Listen from Pastor Kenneth Jones about how God is moving in the Redeemer House in DC. We pray that we can continue to serve along side them. ...

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On Mission Psalm 67


We want our church to be "On Mission" locally and globally. See the diversity of languages and nationalities represented in our congregation. One day we will be with our Lord fulfilling Revelation 7:9-10: "After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and...

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Serving MCCH


For the past 4yrs, Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless has allowed us to be a part of valuing men, women and kids who often go overlooked. Mario and Rachel share a bit of this Thanksgiving's story. ...

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