We're moving! Join us in our new and permanent home starting January 26th at 10am!

9525 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901

We can't wait to worship with you in the space that God has graciously provided for us!

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Archives for December 2018

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Parents' Corner | December 19, 2018


Dear Parents, Do you think it was just by chance that Caesar Augustus called for a census? Did it just so happen that Mary and Joseph were traveling to Bethlehemthe very place the Messiah was prophesied to be born? (Micah 5:2) God is in control of all things, which He showed by using a pagan emperor to bring about His plan. After Jesus was born, Mary laid Him in a m...

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End of Year Financial Letter 2018

Dear Church, God has done amazing things this year. He's been at work through your faithful and generous investment of time and money. I invite you to celebrate his blessings with me and prayerfully consider how we can increase our blessing of others in the coming year. We planted Peace City Church this past year. Wow! We're giving $72,000 to the mission (spread over thr...

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A Goodbye Letter to The Well from The Willis'

michael family

When our family moved to the Washington, DC area in 2004, we were excited to be able to bring the gospel message to people that had been on our hearts for many years. Within months of arriving in DC, Michael was working for a senior Member of Congress and our family quickly became immersed in the hill culture. It provided us numerous opportunities to be in the day to day l...

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Parents' Corner | December 5, 2018


Dear Parents, Last week, kids learned that God created people to live with Him in a perfect relationship forever. This week, kids learn that Adam and Eve enjoyed all that was good in the garden of Eden. The Lord gave them only one restriction: "You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," and the punishment for disobeying was severe: "You will ...

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