We're moving! Join us in our new and permanent home starting January 26th at 10am!

9525 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901

We can't wait to worship with you in the space that God has graciously provided for us!

Join us sundays at 10:00AM

Archives for February 2015

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The Gospel for Moscow | Summer Missions Trip

This summer, we have a wonderful opportunity to join Chris and Emily Moreland, missionaries in Moscow, with international missions work. Please read the following letter and invitation from them below. Read, pray and consider. Let us know ASAP if you are interested (even if you aren't 100% sure). Email eric@thewellsilverspring.org. -------------------------------------...

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Lent Resources

Lent begins tomorrow, with Ash Wednesday. Some of you may have participated in this time of preparation for Easter, some have not. Simply, this is a set time (46days) in which the church has historically prepared through the tools of fasting, prayer and other practices to focus our affections on the person of Christ, and specifically His substitution for us in His sacrif...

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Being a Neighbor on Sundays

In Luke 10, a lawyer responds to the commandment to love God and love neighbors as yourself by asking Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responds with a parable that strikingly reframes the question.Who will be a neighbor?...

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New Relationship with God - Next Steps to Grow

People are starting new relationships with God! It is a joy to see the grace of God break into someone's life as they receive the work that Jesus has done for us to pay the penalty for our sin, and make us a son/daughter of God! Here are some helpful places to start growing in your relationship w/God, if its new or old. 1. Pray! Just spend time talking to God. Here is a ...

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Jesus Saves - Series Promo Video


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