Tuesday Tidbits for Parents: April 28, 2020
The story of Ruby Bridges is a beautiful, inspirational story of faith in action in the face of danger. But it doesn’t start with Ruby. It starts with her parents....
Keep ReadingStay up-to-date on all things children's ministry related at The Well! View our monthly newsletter for important info, discipleship tips, encouragement, etc....
A trapeze artist soars through the sky. It’s risky, but must be super fun. Stepping off the platform; letting go of the bar; flipping into your partner’s grasp: Releasing control. A giant safety net below makes it all possible. God’s sovereignty is your safety net....
The book of Acts is an exciting, and sometimes difficult to understand story of the early church living out their faith. Below are a few resources to help guide your study. These resources can be used individually, in community, or your 3D....
Recently our White Oak Community Group organized its first ladies’ craft workshop, in a series we’re calling “Crafts & Conversation.” ...
Relational commitment opens the door to rich relationship. “Making it official” is the movement from instability to stability, and shallow waters to deep. That is what we are asking you to do here at The Well. Become a Member....
“...the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few,” Matthew 9:37 (NIV). This verse is one of the most memorable in the Bible for me, but what does it mean to you? Recently, our newly formed White Oak community got a chance to live out this verse by performing a simple act of kindness to a community in need in our very first scatter time....
Have you ever wondered who the Elders are at The Well? We’re kicking off a series called Meet the Elders to help you get to know these leaders in our church. First up… Meet Matt. As the Lead Pastor at The Well, he oversees the team of Elders. You might think you know him well, but check out this Q&A to learn a little bit more about a day in the life of Matt....
You don’t have what it takes (cf. Judges 6-9). It’s true. 300 versus 135,000 is no fair fight, and Gideon knew it. He’s scared. I don’t know what you are facing today, but the battle is too much for you....
I am excited to study the book of Judges with you. To be honest, I have never spent a lot of time reading the book of Judges. It is challenging and has some fantastic stories....
I’ve always preached from a music stand. In February five years ago in my basement, it was no different. Each time, I stand up, dependent and scared. What will God do?...
Is your faith vibrant and alive? It's time to investigate our faith for evidence of authentic transformation. On Sunday, we threw up red flags in areas we needed to confess and obey. The Elders and Staff have been praying for each of you, one sticky at a time....
In the early hours of Sunday morning, June 12, a horrific act of violence took place at a night club in Orlando, Florida. When tragedy strikes it is often difficult to have the right words and actions in response. It is in times like these, as Christians, we must hold tightly to the truth of Scripture....
Are you a Democrat or Republican? Is abortion wrong in every circumstance? Do you side with "Black Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter?" Is same sex marriage okay? How does following Jesus impact our thoughts on any of this? Should it?...
One thing that is easy to skip is reflection, but it is one of the most important aspects of leadership. We need to slow down and take time to think about our year and set a few goals for the new year....
This one guy never showed up to Community Group gatherings. I didn’t get it because I’d talk to him on Sundays and he was always positive when talking about Community Group. But why was he always a no-show?...
You’ve probably heard the term “third place” before. Starbucks used the concept in their marketing strategy. A third place was another space to frequent besides your work and your home. This third place is somewhere to find refuge and a sense of place....
Whether it’s chatting over coffee, happy hour, playtime at the park or dinner, one thing is almost certain when spending time with people: you talk about what you do. Here is one simple way to take a conversation on work and lead it towards the gospel....
The story of Ruby Bridges is a beautiful, inspirational story of faith in action in the face of danger. But it doesn’t start with Ruby. It starts with her parents....
Keep ReadingHey, Parents! We've been talking a lot about family worship lately, which is really just regularly setting aside a time to teach our kids about and worship God together as a family. But why are we so gung ho about family worship? The Why I love how Psalm 78 puts it. In verses 5-7 we read, He [God] decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, wh...
Keep ReadingDear Parents, How are you doing? I mean, how are you really doing? If you're like me, some days are great, some days are not so great, some days are fun, some days are frustrating, some days are filled with supernatural peace and a heightened trust in the Lord. I'm all over the place-- which makes me all the more thankful to get to know and enjoy our God, who is con...
Keep ReadingDear Parents, Ezekiel had a tough job: ministering to people who had rejected God and suffered the consequences. The exiled people of Judah were eager to blame God for their circumstances. "It's not fair!" they argued. (See Ezek. 18:25.) Ezekiel told the people that they were at fault for their exile; their faithlessness had provoked God's wrath. The people were ge...
Keep ReadingDear Parents, The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sundaythe day Jesus entered Jerusalem as the King of kings the week of Passover. Many of God's people traveled to Jerusalem for Passover. Jesus and His disciples traveled to Jerusalem as well. Near Bethphage (BETH fayj) and Bethany near the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples ahead into a village to bring a donkey...
Keep ReadingDear Parents, This week we pick up just a few days after the triumphal entry when the same crowd that chanted "hosanna" to Jesus now chanted "crucify Him." Jesus was betrayed by Judas, arrested, condemned, and crucified. After He died, Jesus was placed in a tomb, but on the third day, He rose again conquering death and providing life to those who believe. The cruci...
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