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Archives for April 2018

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Acts 17 Resources


Hey there, church. As we looked into Acts 17 this past Sunday we saw that Paul made intentional connections to the gospel by 1. Seeing what the culture valued. 2. Affirming that value and 3. Extending it to its full culmination in Christ. Here are two helpful resources for growing in your ability to share the gospel in these kinds of ways. 1. Bible Study (two parts): The...

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Parent Corner | April 22, 2018


Dear Parents,Jesus' followers preached the gospel in Jerusalem, and the good news spread to places like Judea and Samaria. More and more people believed, and new churches began as both Jews and Gentiles began to follow Jesus. Barnabas went to Antiocha city about 300 miles north of Jerusalemwhere he brought Paul to help teach the believers. The church in Antioch grew. It wa...

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Parent Corner | 4-15-18


Dear Parents,Saul was no stranger to religion. He grew up in a religious household. He was a devout Jew who was born in Tarsus (Phil. 3:5) and inherited his Roman citizenship from his father. So when people began talking about this man named Jesus and claiming that He was the promised Messiah, Saul was defensive. Saul believed strongly in the Jewish faith of his ancesto...

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Remembering MLK

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A great pastor and leader was assassinated today in 1968. I first studied Dr. King's speeches in college, then again in seminary. His rhetoric is breathtaking, his passion unparalleled. His message is from God. Certainly, he was a prophet for the times, then and now. In Memphis the night before his murder, Martin Luther spoke to a group of sanitation workers saying this: ...

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