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Archives for September 2018

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Parents' Corner | September 23, 2018


Dear Parents, Consider how your life would change if you could know the futureif you could accurately predict the weather or outcomes of a baseball game. If you could know how your life is going to turn out, would you live today differently? In the bigger picture of God's plan for the world, we do know the future. God reveals the outcome of His plan for humanity in His Wo...

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Nehemiah Tools


Every time we open the bible we have an opportunity to meet God. He will transform us and build His kingdom through us. Here are some tools to help you get to know God daily in Nehemiah. Daily time with God can follow this simple pattern as you talk with Him in prayer, and listen to Him in the scripture. Tool: Daily Time With God (4R's) A good study bible with commentary...

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Parents' Corner | September 16, 2018


Dear Parents, During this unit, we will be looking at how God gave hope to Christians while they waited for Jesus' return. Paul was a prisoner under house arrest in Rome when a man named Onesimus (oh NESS ih muhs) came to visit him. Onesimus was a slave who had run away from a wealthy man named Philemon. As it turned out, Paul was a friend of Philemon. So when Paul told O...

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Lingering with God: Part 2 | Fall Planning

Linger with God

Psalm 96 calls us to sing a song of praise to God this fall. This is a new song, different from our "me-centered" song of praise. This is a new song, fresh every day, flowing from our first-hand relationship with God. I challenge us all to sing this song of a life lived in worship with our God this fall. Here are two quick "tools" to help keep your song singing to God, and...

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Parents' Corner | September 2, 2019


Dear Parents, Paul wrote his letter to the church at Colossae not long after he arrived in Rome as a prisoner. The letter served to correct false teaching in the church and to encourage right living among believers. Focus on verses 15-20, in which Paul described who Jesus is. Paul's teaching to the Colossians was important because the believers were trying to figure out ...

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Linger with God This Fall

We often neglect our most important relationships. God is with you, right now. Are you ignoring Him? He's walking with you on the path He's laid out. That's why it's the right path: His Son gave His life, and rose to life, in order to walk it with you. Are you in step with Him? Here's a simple way to become aware of and in step with your Father this season. You will wa...

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