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9525 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901

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Archives for February 2019

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Parents' Corner | February 27, 2019


Dear Parents, Jacob and Esau were rivals before birth. They struggled in the womb, and Jacob was born grabbing onto Esau's heel. Even though he was younger, Jacob convinced Esau to sell him his birthright for some stew. When Isaac was old and blind, the time came for Isaac to bless Esau. With the blessing came the privilege afforded to the firstbornleadership over ...

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Parents' Corner | February 20, 2019


Dear Parents, After God tested Abraham, Abraham named the place "The LORD Will Provide" (Gen. 22:14) God repeated His promise to Abraham: "I will indeed bless you and make your offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky And all the nations of the earth will be blessed by your offspring" (Gen. 22:17-18). God blessed Abraham's life, and he was about 140 years ol...

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Parents' Corner | February 13, 2019


Dear Parents, This week, kids learn that God kept His promise to give Abraham and Sarah a son, and they named him Isaac. Isaac was the child chosen by God to carry the family lineto follow God, to lead the family, and to teach the next generation to follow God too. When Abraham was well over 100 years old, God tested Abraham. God instructed him to sacrifice Isaac on ...

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Parents' Corner | February 6, 2019


Dear Parents, Over the next few weeks of the Gospel Project for Kids, kids will learn that God was still working out His plan to send Jesus into the world to rescue us from sin. Since the beginning, God wanted to bless and provide for His people. Genesis 11 records the generations between Noah and Abram. Noah's son Shem had a family. Through Shem's line, God would ...

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