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Archives for July 2019

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Parents' Corner | August 4, 2019


Dear Parents, The time of the judges continued after the death of Ehud. The Israelites fell into a continuous cycle of sin, bondage, deliverance, and peace. The people of Israel were oppressed by the king of Canaan. At this time, Deborah was the judge of Israel. Deborah sent for Barak and encouraged him to take up an army and fight the army of Canaan and its leade...

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Parents' Corner | July 28, 2019


Dear Parents, Following Joshua's death, the Israelites were without a leader. They fell into a cycle of sin that can be seen during each reign of the judges. The cycle is marked by an A-B-C-D-E pattern. Let's look at the first judge, Othniel, to see this pattern. First, the people fell into Apostasy. They turned away from God and served other gods. (Judg. 3:7) Ne...

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Parents' Corner | July 21, 2019


Dear Parents, Joshua was "getting on in years" (Joshua 23:1), so he gathered together the people of Israel to give an exhortation. First, Joshua reminded them that God had fought for His people, and He had kept every one of His promises. (Joshua 23:14) Joshua wanted the people to remember and to live their lives based on what they knew to be true about God: God c...

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Parents' Corner | July 14, 2019


Dear Parents, When the Israelites conquered Jericho, God told them not to take anything. Everything in the city was to be destroyed and set apart for God. Achan must have assumed no one would notice if he kept a few things for himself. The cloak was beautiful, and he sure could use some pieces of silver and a bar of gold. No harm, no foul. Right? Wrong. God had ...

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Parents' Corner | July 7, 2019


Dear Parents, Only one geographical barrier separated the Israelites from the promised land of Canaan: the Jordan River. When Joshua and the Israelites arrived, the Jordan River was flooded due to spring rains and snowmelt. Any other time, the river would have been manageable, but crossing the swollen river would have been daunting like crossing the Red Sea. Lik...

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