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Silver Spring here we come! Hopefully. We found a place to rent in Woodmoor, in the heart the community. Our application is in and we are waiting for the green light. As the disciples stood with the resurrected Christ, watching him ascend into the heavens, His words must have marked their geographic maps with what lay around the corner. From Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria...

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Settling In

Two days after unloading our lives into a friend's basement we took off for family vacation! Utilizing man to man coverage ten adults managed to corral nine kids safely from beach to pool to dinner and back again. It was a blast, and far from relaxing. As the week closed, for the first time in 7yrs, we didn't hop back on a plan and head home. Settling in over the next mon...

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Is It Worth It?

We're here! As Matt and I close our time sitting in a bumpy Penske, traveling over 1,000 miles in two 14 hour days, God is beginning a work in me. I know I should be excited. Filled with anticipation. Yet, as we plod through the remaining 30 miles, it hit me. This move is no longer surreal, but real. I'm not feeling so happy about the giant leap across the country from my ...

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On The Road

Our twenty-six foot Penski is way overpacked, no room for ants, or our love-seat. We pulled out at 6am, towing one car, in-laws flying as our wingman in the van.Who are you moving towards with the gospel today? Please pray: Safety and speed. A fruitful time of reflecting and looking forward together. Help unpacking on Wednesday and a smooth transition. ...

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Don't Cry

God is opening doors we didn't expect, filling needs we didn't know existed, and just flat out showing up. He's already provided 120k of next year's 170k budget, friends have loaned us houses for over a month, and today I visited our dentist for free. From the little to the big, God is faithful. We're still nomads, as a friend spends his own cash to renovate our house, se...

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Matt and I are having our house "renovated" in order to sell it. Read, "destroyed." As everything is torn to shreds, God has been doing a work on me. I'm realizing more and more, a thankful person is a needy person. We've been living out of the car, packing up every morning, leaving at 8am and returning around 8pm. As we caravan Texas as nomads, friends have opened their ...

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Me or You?

I preached my last sermon tonight at ffect, our Northwest Bible singles gathering. Tomorrow, I pack my office. July 10th we tentatively pull out for MD. Each domino sovereignly topples with joy and sadness. One question shaped tonight's closing message to the people I have loved serving. It's a question I ask myself every time I go to work; every time I come home to my wi...

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Bananas get those brown gooshy spots. Apples, wrinkly skin. Lettuce wilts. If your relationship with Christ doesn't feel fresh, it probably isn't. Your wilted leaves confirm it: you haven't shared the gospel with a friend, or anyone, recently; your journal pages are full of blank; apathy covers your bible like dust. For me, two necessities had wrinkled up and dropped from ...

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We Feel It!

You ever feel someone's prayers working in your life? Often we don't need prayer, so we don't get the chance to feel God working. We say no to prayer when we strive by our own strength, set our own agenda apart from God's leading, or attempt only petty, risk-less things in our lives. Then, prayer becomes a cameo role in the Christian-life, or coffee talk with God. Instead,...

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Solomon asked God for wisdom and he ended up nearly sawing a baby in two (1King3.16ff). The wisdom of God sometimes dresses up in unexpected clothes. When the Spirit steers our steps by faith, we're all often reminded that "God made foolish the wisdom of the world" (1Cor1.20). The wisdom of the cross befuddles the perishing, and is resurrection power for those who cling to...

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